About us

Industrial Park Platform (IPP): A Global Knowledge Hub 

IPP is a global knowledge platform dedicated to supporting industrial parks (special economic zones, districts, corridors, etc) and related area development initiatives.

Our Mission 

IPP is dedicated to fostering global partnerships and knowledge sharing to promote sustainable industrial park development worldwide.

Our mission is founded on several key cornerstones:

The Power of
Knowledge Sharing

By facilitating mutual learning, capacity-building, and developing institutional capacities, IPP fosters sustainable solutions within industrial park development initiatives worldwide.

Strategic Alliances

IPP promotes partnerships and cooperation among stakeholders in the industrial park sector. By fostering collaborative relationships and facilitating matchmaking between experts, IPP drives synergies and collective efforts towards sustainable industrial park development globally.

Advance Industrial
Park Development

IPP plays a crucial role in guiding the planning and development of industrial parks worldwide. Throughout  strategic insights, data-driven analysis, and sharing of bbestseller with practices, IPP empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions and implement sustainable solutions in industrial parkdevelopment projects.

Engage with us

The development of industrial parks involves a multitude of institutions, including governments, universities, research institutes, development agencies, and multilateral donors. A successful approach to industrial park development relies on robust collaboration among stakeholders and the formation of strong partnerships.

We invite partners to join UNIDO in fostering knowledge sharing and capacity development on a larger scale through:

Supporting the dissemination of knowledge products, best practices and solutions with Member States and partners

Joining our network of global experts to exchange ideas, connect with potential clients and explore partnership opportunities

Providing expertise through relevant government ministries and institutions

Providing financial and in-kind resources to support the development of industrial parks

Evaluating the needs of technical support and expertise required for industrial parks development

Facilitating the exchange of technical expertise through the short-term deployment of technical experts

Meet the Team

Mr. Christian Susan

UNIDO Cross-Disciplinary Team on Industrial Parks-CDTIP

Industrial Development Officer, Circular Industrial Resource Efficiency Unit

Mr. Jie Zhao

UNIDO Cross-Disciplinary Team on Industrial Parks-CDTIP

Chief of Asia and the Pacific Regional Coordination Division

Mr. Stefan Kratzsch

UNIDO Cross-Disciplinary Team on Industrial Parks-CDTIP

Team Lead, Sustainability Stand.& Responsible Bus.Unit

Mr.Mark Draeck

UNIDO Cross-Disciplinary Team on Industrial Parks-CDTIP

Chief Technical Advisor Circular Economy & Resource Efficiency Unit

Mr. Eneyew Abera Gebremenfas

SIPP Management Team

Industrial Parks/Zone Expert and Project Management Specialist

Mr. Dejene Tezera

UNIDO Cross-Disciplinary Team on Industrial Parks-CDTIP

Director of the Div. of Agri business & Infrastructure Dev.and Chair of CDTIP

Ms. Petra Schwager

UNIDO Cross-Disciplinary Team on Industrial Parks-CDTIP

Chief of Division of Climate &Technology Partnerships