Industrial Park Platform - IPP is a global knowledge platform that serves as a resource centre for industrial parks (also called special economic zones, industrial districts, corridors, etc.) and other related area development initiatives around the world.
Our mission is to promote partnerships and cooperation; to connect experts and facilitate matchmaking; to enhance sharing of data, analysis, tools and best practices; to accelerate dialogues among various actors; to provide capacity-building training, thereby spurring industrialization through sustainable industrial park development while addressing challenges of knowledge gaps.
Knowledge sharing is one of the most valuable tools for developing countries and transition economies to learn from each other, develop effective institutions, build human capacity and create sustainable solutions.
South-South cooperation becomes a major instrument as it helps replicate and upscale good practices and facilitate technology transfer, contributing to the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The SIPP is a response to the need to stimulate dialogues and initiatives oriented towards increasing Southern solidarity and mutually beneficial partnerships to achieve sustainable industrialization.
By capturing, consolidating and disseminating international best practices, tools and knowledge, the SSIP will:
Connect policymakers, practitioners and experts
Foster partnerships and cooperation
Guide industrial parks planning and development
Provide capacity-building training courses
Multiple institutions, including governments, universities, research institutes, development agencies and multilateral donors participate in the industrial parks development processes. The development of industrial parks requires a collaborative multi-stakeholder approach based on strong engagement by all parties and robust partnerships.
Partners are therefore invited to join hands with UNIDO and contribute to upscaling knowledge sharing and capacity development, through:
Mr. Dejene Tezera
Director of the Div. of Agri business & Infrastructure Dev.and Chair of CDTIP
Ms. Petra Schwager
Chief of Division of Climate &Technology Partnerships
Mr. Jie Zhao
Chief of Asia and the Pacific Regional Coordination Division
Mr. Stefan Kratzsch
Team Lead, Sustainability Stand.& Responsible Bus.Unit
Mr.Mark Draeck
Chief Technical Advisor Circular Economy & Resource Efficiency Unit
Mr. Eneyew Abera Gebremenfas
Industrial Parks/Zone Expert and Project Management Specialist
UNIDO cross-disciplinary team on industrial parks (CDTIP)
Vienna International Centre