Characteristics, Trends, and Way Forward for Special Economic Zones in Africa – Insights from a UNIDO-AEZO Survey.
The report "Characteristics, Trends, and Way Forward for Special Economic Zones in Africa – Insights from a UNIDO-AEZO Survey" offers a detailed examination of the current state and potential of African SEZs. Drawing from survey data, it outlines key characteristics and trends shaping these zones, emphasizing their role in driving economic growth and development across the continent.
International Guidelines for Industrial Parks
The publication contains a series of guidelines that seek to promote the development of competitive, inclusive and sustainable industrial parks through a comprehensive reference framework. They have been designed to be practical and with specific objectives to support industrial park decision-making, improve industrial park efficiency, enhance industrial park competitiveness, promote industrial park sustainability, and ensure industrial park inclusiveness.
Leveraging a new generation of industrial parks and zones for inclusive and sustainable development: strategic framework (2018)
Tis strategic framework was prepared in the context of the UNIDO Project: Fostering inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in the New Silk Road Economic Belt, later referred to as the Belt and Road Initiative: Leveraging the potential of industrial parks, zones and cities in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
A Practitioner's Handbook for Eco-Industrial Parks
The EIP Practitioner’s Handbook is a step-by-step guide that takes stakeholders through the process of operationalizing the International EIP Framework. It addresses a wide range of practitioners including industrial park operators; firms located in industrial parks; industrial park planners and developers; decision-makers; governmental officials and regulators; financing bodies; and funding agencies, donors and international development institutions.
Leveraging the Potential of a New Generation of Industrial Parks, Zones and Cities in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
The publication was produced within the framework of UNIDO project: “Fostering inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in the New Silk Road Economic Belt: Leveraging potentials of industrial parks, zones and cities in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan” funded by the People’s Republic of China. The diagnostic studies provide an overview of the features, functioning and effectiveness of existing or planned economic zones and parks in project countries and suggest measures for their improvement, aligning them to global best practices and thus making them an effective tool for fostering ISID.
An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks
The aim of the publication is to provide an international framework (the “framework”) which defines the basic requirements and performance criteria needed for an industrial park to qualify as an Eco-Industrial Park (EIP). It summarizes the areas in which the international organizations that have authored this framework — the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the World Bank Group, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH — have aligned to define an Eco-Industrial Park (EIP).
Technical assistance needs for the transformation into Eco-Industrial Parks
This report is the second publication of the GEIPP’s “Lessons Learnt” series aimed at compiling and disseminating results from the Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP). The programme implements country-level interventions in Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa, Ukraine and Viet Nam. The country-level interventions are supported by a global component that is providing methodological guidance and dissemination of good practices between and beyond GEIPP countries. The program aims at demonstrating the viability and benefits of advancing Eco-Industrial Parks practices at industrial parks in the program countries.
Eco-Industrial Parks Viet Nam: Prevention, preparedness and response to environmental accidents for communities, workers, and municipalities
This report is part of Component 1 (Review and analyze international and domestic experience on environmental accidents) of the assignment, “Capacity building in communities to respond to environmental accidents or disasters from industrial zones”. The overall objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive review of international and national experiences on prevention, preparedness and response to environmental accidents to ensure that all stakeholders are able to respond in a timely and effective manner.
Eco-Industrial Parks Viet Nam: Socio-Economic Requirements. A review of international and Vietnamese experiences
This report was commissioned under the UNIDO project Implementation of eco-industrial park initiative for sustainable industrial zones in Vietnam, with the financial support from the Global Environment Fund (GEF) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of the Swiss Government.
Experiences and Best practices of Industrial Park Development in the People’s Republic of China
The publication has been jointly produced by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Cross Disciplinary Team on Industrial Parks (CDTIP) and the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC) within the framework of UNIDO project: “Establishing UNIDO Industrial Parks Guiding Framework”.
Establishment & Functioning of One-Stop Shop Service (OSS) Manual
This manual is applicable to both IAIP and RTCs. The purpose of the manual is to facilitate the operation of OSS by selecting government and private institutions required to provide legal, compliance, infrastructure and mandatory services required by investors, defining the procedural and documentation requirements in relation to startup, implementation/construction and operation of agro-processing industrial investments and use it in coordinating and integration of investment-related service providing institutions at OSS.
A New Generation of Science and Technology Parks: UNIDO’s strategic approach to fostering innovation and technology for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
This publication aims at introducing the new technical cooperation module of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization’s Department of Digitalization, Technology and Innovation (DTI) on Science and Technology Parks (STPs) in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).
Environment, Social & Safety Manual for Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks (IAIP/RTC): Solid Waste Management Manual
The scope of the manual is intended to be served for the IAIP/RTCs. This Solid Waste Management Manual (hereafter referred to as the Manual) is intended to serve as day-today planning and implementation guidelines for IAIP/RTCs.
Capacity Development for Sustainable Agro-industrialization, Ethiopia: Land Lease and Shed Rent Rate Setting Manual
The purpose of this manual is to determine the selling prices/lease rate of serviced land, shed rents, and other facilities and to prepare a Lease Agreement that clearly spells out the requirements and responsibilities of all parties to the lease.
Potential of Integrated Agro-Food Parks for Rural Industrialization and Economic Transformation in Developing Countries
Integrated agro-food parks (IAFPs) are proving a successful model to develop a robust agribusiness sector and tackle the sustainable economic transformation challenges facing many developing countries today.