Organized on the sidelines of UNIDO’s General Conference’s with the overarching theme of “Industry 2030 – Innovate. Connect. Transform our Future”, the event focused on promoting an innovative approach for developing inclusive and sustainable industrial parks and pursuing low-carbon urban-industrial development through an integrated framework of actors and stakeholders, including the promotion of UNIDO’s “international guidelines for the development of industrial parks”. The event also brought together and connected stakeholders and partners by organizing a platform for the exchange of know-how and experience on different aspects of industrial parks and showcase their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular, Goal 9. It also contributed towards streamlining and transforming UNIDO’s approach on industrial parks and sustainable cities by ensuring coherence and alignment of activities, as well as strengthening local ownership, partnerships and investment promotion.
- Development of competitive and sustainable industrial parks and the promotion of low-carbon urban-industrial development relay on an effective and well-functioning industrial policy and strategy that fosters partnerships and collaboration between different actors and stakeholders.
- Sustainable industrial parks and urban industries help accelerate industrial development by addressing infrastructure constraints, attracting investment, stimulating innovation, improving production efficiency and fostering social inclusion and environmental protection.
Please find the full information of the side-event here.
All pictures from the Industrial Parks side-event are available on UNIDO's official Flickr account.