The UNIDO Multilateral Industrial Policy Forum (MIPF) is a global industrial policy forum that expands and scales the scope of UNIDO’s industrial policy-related capacity-building services.The Forum enables peer learning and knowledge sharing between Member States, as well as engagement of policy-makers with academic experts and industrial policy practitioners and will expand the practical knowledge base for industrial policymaking while fostering industrial cooperation at the regional and global levels.
The establishment of the MIPF responds to an urgent need for a forum to facilitate multilateral policy dialogue and knowledge sharing on industrial policy matters. The concept of the MIPF was launched at UNIDO's 19th General Conference. As a specialized agency of the UN system on industrial development, UNIDO is in a privileged position to address this opportunity. The MIPF will strengthen UNIDO's position as a leading agency on industrial development and industrial policy matters. By exploring cross-cutting themes such as greening the economy or digitalization, the MIPF can foster global debates on how to leverage industrial policy to achieve the SDGs or to promote technology transfers among other things.
The MIPF targets Member States (governments), international organizations, academia, specialized media, and the private sector.
Intended Objectives:
- Serve as a multilateral policy dialogue, knowledge and experience sharing and mutual learning platform on industrial policy matters, with emphasis on industrial policy issues and their implications on efforts towards the achievement of the SDGs.
- Provide a learning mechanism on the role of industrial policy in the industrialization process.
- Promote UNIDO’s analytical and research functions and policy advisory services.
Monday 20 March 2023
- Opening ceremony
- Presentation of the MIPF concept paper
- High-level segment on the future of industrial policy
Tuesday 21 March 2023
Interactive learning sessions
- Session 1: Industrial policy for energy efficiency
- Session 2: Industrial policy for green hydrogen
- Session 3: Climbing the ladder of digital transformation
- Session 4: Gender and industrial policy