Economic growth in Ethiopia is progressing at an impressive rate, where industrial parks have piqued the interest of international investors in the country's economy. The Industrial Park study analyzes the adequacy of industrial parks as a means for industrialization, and focuses on how to use industrial parks effectively, seeking to answer three main research questions: What is the current status of Industrial Parks in Ethiopia? How could the country's industrialization benefit from industrial parks? How could industrial park development be enhanced in future?
Findings presented in this study are derived from extensive research and analysis of primary and secondary sources as well as from field findings conducted in Ethiopia from 2014 to 2018 in tandem with the implementation of Programme of Country Partnership (PCP) by UNIDO and the Government of Ethiopia. The paper also gives recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of regulatory bodies, how to ensure sufficient funding for infrastructure development, how to promote linkages between industrial parks, the local labour market and local companies, and how to support technical education and training for industries targeted by industrial park development strategy through aligning curricula of universities and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions with private firm labor requirements.