A Practitioner's Handbook for Eco-Industrial Parks

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The EIP Practitioner’s Handbook is a step-by-step guide that takes stakeholders through the process of operationalizing the International EIP Framework. It addresses a wide range of practitioners including industrial park operators; firms located in industrial parks; industrial park planners and developers; decision-makers; governmental officials and regulators; financing bodies; and funding agencies, donors and international development institutions.

The Handbook is intended to help practitioners operationalize the International EIP Framework at the national and /or park level, as well as specific EIP performance requirements set in the Framework. The Practitioner's Handbook is designed for governmental authorities, industrial park operators and developers seeking to implement the ' International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks. It is also intended for development agencies to serve as a reference point in helping governments establish their respective national EIP Frameworks. Readers are encouraged to first review the International EIP Framework prior to using this Handbook.

Eco - Industrial Parks
The World Bank Group
United States
Publishing date
September 2018

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