How are Industrial Parks in Peru financed and under which conditions are these finances allowed?
Alex Zimmermann
Alex Zimmermann is an Economist from Universidad del Pacifico, with an MBA from the Katholieke Universiteit (Leuven-Belgium). He holds a Certification Board Membership (MDD) from Centrum Graduate Business School - PUCP, and is a CFA candidate. Alex has over 40 years of experience in Banking and Pension Funds in Peru and Switzerland. He is currently the CEO of COFIDE, the Development Bank of Peru, which focuses on financing infrastructure and productive investment projects, as well as boosting micro and small entrepreneurs. COFIDE also plays a strategic role in financial inclusion at the base of the pyramid, in the formalization of micro and small businesses and in the development of Start Ups. Previously, he has been Vice President in the Scotiabank Peru group, Deputy General Manager in Profuturo AFP, Vice President of Finance, Planning and Management Control in Financiera CrediScotia, Investment Manager in several AFPs, Wealth Management Officer in UBS (Zurich), Board member of the Lima Stock Exchange, whilst occupying various management positions in other important financial companies in the area.