‘’The training programme offered valuable insights into integrated planning, risk management, policy arrangements, and investment promotion strategies crucial for industrial park development. I intend to foster collaboration among government agencies through inter-agency discussions, implementing an integrated approach within my office. Specifically, I plan to collaborate with UNIDO-Philippines to design projects aligned with our national objectives.’’
Ms. Janet Lopoz
Executive Director, Mindanao Development Authority, Philippines
IPP's mission is to consolidate and disseminate industrial parks-related analysis, tools, and best practices to support knowledge-based decision-making. The platform also accelerates dialogue among various actors, disseminates capacity-building training in the form of e-learning courses, and facilitates partnerships and networking among industrial park stakeholders.
Industrial Park Platform - IPP is a global knowledge platform that serves as a resource center and reference point for industrial parks and special economic zones (SEZs), known by various names. The tools and knowledge featured on this platform are developed and gathered from various UNIDO programs and funded by different donors
UNIDO cross-disciplinary team on industrial parks (CDTIP)
Vienna International Centre