P Publication

technical ass EIP


Technical assistance needs for the transformation into Eco-Industrial Parks

This report is the second publication of the GEIPP’s “Lessons Learnt” series aimed at compiling and disseminating results from the Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP). The programme implements country-level interventions in Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa, Ukraine and Viet Nam. The country-level interventions are supported by a global component that is providing methodological guidance and dissemination of good practices between and beyond GEIPP countries. The program aims at demonstrating the viability and benefits of advancing Eco-Industrial Parks practices at industrial parks in the program countries. The GEIPP is made possible by funding provided by the Swiss Government through the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland (SECO). This report provides: a) A comparative analysis and lessons learnt on compliance gaps of industrial parks with the International EIP Framework under park management, economic, environmental and social performance; and b) Recommended focus areas and types of technical assistance to industrial parks at global and country levels to increase their compliance with the International EIP Framework.
Inclusive and sustainable industrial development
Industrial Parks
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